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Artists payback from DACS

Do you know, you can get money from DACS if you are artist selling your photos or illustration through microstocks, macrostocks or directly and your work was used in Great Britain for printed materials like books, magazines or was used in TV?

In UK is institution called DACS, established by artists for artists, DACS is a not-for-profit visual artists’ rights management organisation. DACS collect and distribute royalties to visual artists and their estates through Payback

All you need to do is fill form for Payback and provide examples of where your work has been featured, with proof. For year 2014 you need to make a claim until 14. October 2015. and proof published printed materials in UK, that were used until end of 2014.

For DACS form you will need besides your personal data also ISBN, Name and Year of publication for max 3 books. Also same for magazines and TV shows in case your works was used there as well.

How to find, if there is some published book in UK with my photos or illustrations?

You can use british Google Books or british Amazon

Google Books -Into search field fill your name

Example of serach for my name. Results are for Czech settings, but you can see name of book, link and highlighted my name there

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On right side you can see year of publishing. For 2014 claim I will not use Lions, because it was printed later only in 2015

Numbers behind my name is pages, where is used my photo/illustration. This way I can easily find how many of my work was used in book. This is important for DACS form, where I choose scope of my used work.

Amazon UK – Fill your name again, as for Google Books, just don’t forget put your name into quotes. For my name is “Stanislav Duben”.

Example of serach for my name


Now I can compare results with Google Books it there is something missing or dwells

I book detail you will find something like this (example for book Mother’s Love)


Important is ISBN, I used ISBN-13 for form. Also important is publisher, if it’s britain company, it assumes it was published in UK. For foreign publishers, like the american one’s that book will be most probably not usable for payback claim, if you haven’t other way how to proof, it was printed in UK.

Again important is date of publishing

How to find, if there is some published magazines and newspapers in UK with my photos or illustrations?

For find your work in magazines or news is great site, where you can find your name in any printed magazine or news. There is no filter for UK country only, you can filter based on languge, lovation and explicit materials. But still is very helpfull to find your work in magazines and newspapers.

See also  How to upload vector illustration on microstock


How to find used photos or videos in UK TVs?

If you have some tiphow to find your photos/videos TV, write it down to comments. I didn’t find any working way until now.

If you are selling through ALAMY microstock, you can let them to claim this insted of you. They will withold 50% of your paybeack for this service.

For any comments, advices or tips feel free to write comment bellow.


  1. Hi Feuerbach,
    DACS pays to everyone who has printed publication in UK, not only to Britain citizens. For example I am from Czech and I received my Payback with no problem.

  2. Alamy is NOT microstock! It’s an insult to call Alamy that. They are known as “midstock”. Microstock is very different, and is where photographers get incredibly low fees. Microstock is for people who have no passion for photography, and who ruin stock for the rest of us.

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