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22 ultimate tips and tricks for mobile night photograpy – part 5 – Tips for postprocess

This is last part of our ultimate mobile night shooting guide. You should know now what to use and ow to control your smartphone to create amazing photos. In this part you will learn tricks for postprocess, that helps you fix imperfection of smartphone hardware to create best possible results.

22 ultimate tips and tricks for mobile night photograpy

Tips for postprocess

1. Black and white can help

If you have bad white balance and it’s not possible to fix it during postprocess, you don’t like final tint or in picture is too much noise, try convert photo into black and white. Trouble with light color wil be solved and noise looks much better on black and white photos then in color ones. It evokes nice nostalgic mood that was on old monochromatic photos.


2. Reduction resolution will remove noise and sharpen photo

In case you will not need full size of picture. And that‘s almost always, because nowadays top model smartphones capture into 8-20 Mpix and even from 5 Mpix you can print A4 photo. That means you have enoung room for crop but mainly for reduction. Reduction resolution has two big advanteges. First reduction reduce noise in picture. Second photo is sharpen, which is always plus in perspective of phone lens quality. I personally reduce photos from 20 Mpix to haff size. For using on web much more.

See also  22 ultimate tips and tricks for mobile night photograpy – part 4 – Tricks for shooting with Camera FV-5


3. Light challenging scenes combine from more shoots

In light challenging scenes is sometimes sensor dynamic range too small. Don’t worry to shoot more photos from tripod in this situation. By help of exposure compensation shoot for drawing in lights and drawing in shadows. Final results will be combined through layers in Photoshop. Your results will have not too much overburned parts and contained details in darker part of photo as well.

Left top part with lantern is combined with rest of photo, that was shoot to keep detail on paving and sign. This was because of overburns on lantern during exposure on 1 second

Share your further advice and show your photos

Do you have some other advices, tips or tricks for night mobile photoraphy? Is there any trick you are using for night shoots? Write them bellow to the comments and show your photos as well. Show off how this article helps you with your mobile photography and share it i you like it.

All chapters of ultimate night photography guide

See also  22 ultimate tips and tricks for mobile night photograpy – part 2 - Tricks for night shooting 1-5

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